What Code is Google Coded in?

What code is Google coded

Google is an online search engine that focuses on serving users with the best possible results. Founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, it is now one of the largest companies in the world.

Like many other companies, Google uses a variety of programming languages to create their products and services. This includes JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, C++, Golang, and Python to name a few.


In 1996, Larry Page and Sergey Brin conceived of a search engine that would be able to index the world wide web. It was called BackRub, and was coded in Java and Python.

Initially, BackRub ran on servers at Stanford University until the school’s bandwidth became too congested to support it. Later, it was moved to a garage of a friend of Page and Brin.

The underlying algorithm is inspired by observations of alternate conformations in high resolution crystal structures. It allows local segments of the backbone to be rotated as rigid bodies about a fixed axis. Atoms branching at the pivot points (side chains, hydrogens, carbonyl oxygens) are updated to minimize the bond angle strain incurred by the move.


Hummingbirds are among the most fascinating birds in the world. They are the smallest birds with a backbone and are often studied by researchers.

These small, brightly colored creatures are also known for their unique flight abilities. These tiny birds are able to hover and fly backwards and upside down.

Their eyes are also protected by nictitating membranes that are drawn horizontally across their eyelids during flight. These membranes are mostly transparent and keep wind, dust, and pollen from entering their eyes.

In addition to their extraordinary vision, hummingbirds are one of the most intelligent birds in the world. They are able to tell apart flowers they have visited before and can determine when a flower will refill its nectar.

Hummingbirds also have a large brain, weighing 4.2% of their total body weight. This makes them a good model for studying how humans and other animals think.

Structured Data

Structured data is a form of data that follows a predefined model and format. This makes it easier to search and analyze for business purposes.

A common format for structured data is JSON-LD, which is endorsed by Google and designed specifically for search engines. Other formats include microdata and RDFA (Resource Description Framework).

Unstructured data is any type of data that doesn’t fit into a predefined structure. It includes text, images, video, audio, and other types of information.

In contrast, structured data is stored in databases and follows a predefined structure that’s flexible enough to handle changes. This is a good thing for SEO, because it allows search engine algorithms to understand and match content to relevant searches.

When structured data is used correctly, it can help websites show up in the videos block at the top of search results pages and also in other Google features like image search. This can help boost click-through rates and generate more traffic.


Bigtable is the NoSQL data store that Google built to power many of its core services. It’s a globally sorted key-value map that automatically rebalances data based on service use to achieve high performance and scale.

It can handle both structured and unstructured data, but works best with Time-Series (CPU and Memory utilization over time) or Financial data (Transaction Histories, Stock Prices, Currency Exchange Rates) use cases. It can also handle Internet of Things (IoT) applications that require real-time analytics.

This library offers a variety of types and functions to allow Cloud Bigtable API operations to be performed from C++ applications. It also provides a light weight client for accessing and reading Bigtable data. This code is compiled from the protobuf schema, so it’s compatible with all versions of the Google Bigtable API. It’s designed to be easy to use and lightweight, so it’s a great choice for Google Cloud Platform developers who want to get started with Bigtable.

Posted in: web