Highest Paying IT Jobs

What is the highest paying IT job

IT jobs have become a highly sought-after career option, as the field is growing and offers higher-than-average salaries.

The IT sector is expected to grow by 13 percent over the next decade, which will increase demand for skilled tech professionals. With that in mind, Monster is here to help you find the best paying IT jobs.

Computer and Information Systems Manager

As firms become increasingly reliant on technology for data storage, business automation and research, computer and information systems managers play a critical role in their operations. They help firms set technical and business goals and make detailed plans to achieve them.

They assess the information technology needs of their organizations to determine what software and systems can solve workflow problems or offer valuable tools for employees and customers. They also stay up to date on new technological developments to ensure their firm’s computers and networks are secure and functioning efficiently.

Software Engineering Manager

A software engineering manager is a senior-level IT pro who oversees the work of other software engineers. They typically report to upper management and need a bachelor’s degree in computer science or engineering, as well as significant experience in the field.

This position also requires a mind for business, since they work closely with executives to ensure projects are aligned with company goals and priorities. They may have to present to senior leadership about technical issues or potential project risks.

A key part of being an excellent engineering manager is being a good listener and showing empathy for team members. This includes making sure your direct reports feel supported and that you understand their concerns.

Product Manager

Product managers are responsible for developing a company’s products from start to finish. They collaborate with engineers, designers, sales and marketing teams to create a product that not only meets user needs but also drives growth in line with business goals.

They conduct customer research and focus-groups to determine user needs, as well as personal interviews to understand how users use their current products and what they want from new ones. These activities help them prioritize the features they need to build next.


Creating software for computers and mobile devices is what allows people to do all the things we take for granted. We use computer programs to do everything from start our cars and microwaves to read our emails, watch TV and talk on our smartphones.

As technology continues to improve, more and more people are becoming dependent on the software that programmers create. That is why the job market for IT professionals is so high right now.

Web Developer

Web developers create websites and applications for the internet. These IT pros are in high demand as the internet continues to expand.

Depending on the industry, location, education, and experience level, web developers can make from $70,000 to more than $150,000 per year. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that employment in this field will grow 13% through 2028.

Web developers use coding skills to turn the visions of designers into what people see on their computers or mobile devices. They also maintain a website’s functionality and performance over time.

Mobile Applications Developer

A mobile applications developer creates programs for smartphones and other devices. They build apps that enable users to do a wide range of tasks, including contacting friends and searching for information.

These professionals are in high demand, especially as people increasingly use their phones to perform work and other activities. They must have experience coding with mobile frameworks and mobile development languages, as well as web development languages.

A bachelor’s degree in computer science or information systems is often a good starting point for this career. Those with advanced degrees can advance to higher positions in this field.

Applications Architect

A career as an applications architect is one of the highest paying IT jobs. As an applications architect, you’ll play a key role in helping companies meet their business goals and develop innovative solutions.

Your responsibilities as an application architect include analyzing data and developing software products to meet specific needs. You’ll also help improve the user experience and ensure that applications are secure.

To succeed as an applications architect, you’ll need a wide knowledge of software technologies, development practices and management tools. This will help you make strategic decisions that will last.

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