What Does a Web Developer Do?

What does a web developer do

Web developers take a designer’s visions and plans and turn them into the website you see on your computer, phone, or tablet. They use programming languages to write the code that creates a functional, responsive, and appealing site.

They also use their knowledge of SEO (search engine optimization) to improve website performance and capacity, ensuring that visitors can easily find what they need when they want it. They need strong communication skills and the ability to work well with others.


Web developers create a website’s code, design and layout, ensuring it functions well and is easy to use. They use HTML (hypertext markup language) and CSS (cascading style sheets) to build websites that look great on desktops, tablets and smartphones, and they also write JavaScript for interactive features.

When a user visits a site, they can use the website’s buttons and forms to sign up for a newsletter, pay for something, or contact a company. The programming behind a website makes it possible for users to do all of these things and more with ease, so a web developer must be skilled at building a site that meets their expectations.

Programming can be a complex and difficult process, but it is essential for any professional who needs to understand how technology works. It can help you to develop analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as creative abilities that are transferable to many different careers. Whether you’re interested in software development, digital marketing, 3D modeling, gaming or AI, learning to program can open up a whole new world of opportunities!


Design is the process of creating a project from start to finish. This includes sketching out the concept and making sure all elements of the plan will work together to create a product that users will enjoy using.

Web developers are responsible for taking the designs that web designers have created and turning them into the websites you see on your phone, tablet, or computer. They’re able to do this by writing code that allows for things like changing the color of paragraph text or background, changing font faces, and positioning elements on a page.

This can be tedious, but it’s also important. Many client projects will go back and forth, which means you’ll need to keep a patient head and be able to respond to small changes without breaking your code. It’s also helpful to have a strong aesthetic sense as this helps you visualize what the end product will look like.


Testing is an important part of software development, as it checks whether the code and the application works properly. This helps in finding bugs before they get released to users.

There are many different types of testing, including unit, integration, and system testing. They all check different aspects of the software, including functionality, security, scalability, and more.

Unit testing is a basic testing approach that checks each individual unit of the program. This helps developers know that their code is working properly, and that it’s not broken when they add new features.

There are several types of testing, including performance tests, which measure the speed, scalability, and responsiveness of an application. They can also determine how well the application handles peak traffic, or detect potential bottlenecks.


Web maintenance is the continued development and testing of a website after it has been developed. This can include code tweaks, site updates, and monitoring and reporting.

Maintenance is usually a service that is offered by a third party. When you contract with a web developer, it is important to specify what maintenance includes.

Maintaining a site after it has been designed can be a complex process and often involves a lot of communication. This is why it is a good idea to hire a company with the experience and expertise needed.

A properly maintained website will boost traffic and increase your online presence. It will also improve security and help visitors feel comfortable using your site.

Posted in: web